The moment your child was born, you became a member of the IMA, International Mom Association. (Actually the IMA isn’t really a thing. I just made it up.) You survived nine months of indigestion, insomnia, and hormone-induced insanity for this great honor. If you became a mom through adoption, surrogacy, or fostering, you’re also in the IMA after surviving your own set of challenges. Welcome to the club. Back in 1996 when my first daughter arrived, I thought I was walking into a maternal sisterhood, a community of like-minded mothers with similar thoughts, feelings, and ways of doing things. I thought we’d all sit around in a kumbaya kind of way and agree on what was most important for our kids. Boy, was I wrong. Everyone was different. There were tiger mothers, attachment mamas, and moms who were a hot mess. (That might have been me.) I met zen moms, cool moms, granola moms, and competitive moms. There were as many dif- ferent moms as cereals in the breakfast aisle at the grocery store. And I found myself scratching my head, like I often do in the cereal aisle, as I asked myself, What kind of mom do I want to be? Great news! You don’t have to wrestle with that question because God has already given you a distinct personality as a mom. He’s as- signed to you a special slice of His image, crafted specifically for your family, uniquely designed to meet their needs. So what type of mom are you?THE 4 MOM TYPESWhich type are you? Take the Mom Test to find out.